What hardware and tools will I need for installation?

All of our eGlass Railing™ systems come with the hardware needed to complete your project on wood or concrete surfaces. For other surfaces, you may need to acquire additional hardware. For most systems, you will need safety gear, measuring and leveling tools, an electric drill with drill and drive bits, an electric grinder, and a chop saw.…

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How easy is it to install?

Our systems were designed to be DIY-friendly, although we recommend customers reach out to installers or contractors for guidance. It is also recommended to have at least two people present to install. If you are a mid to high level do it yourselfer and know how to operate a miter saw you can likely install…

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Does the top rail arrive cut to size?

Element rails will arrive prefabricated and cut to either 20ft or 5ft sticks. These can then be cut shorter as needed. Most applications will only require 5ft or less of rail between posts, so our 5ft option is the most popular and most pragmatic, as it will make shipping and installation cheaper and easier.

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